Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #597: The Setup Disease

“I want to tell you…” “I want to share with you…” “I want to let you know” = announcing that you will tell me something. Instead, Just TELL me. (An added benefit of this is that you take out the *I – me – my” factor.)

*(This is one of my main tenets – not starting a story with yourself. Start with the Subject first, or by referencing the Listener first in some way, THEN you add your part, or your ‘take’ on it. Less ego this way, and it sounds less “presentational”.)

Sometimes, this kind of mistake is on the other end of the Content. Example: You play a call, then recap what we just heard before giving us your take on it. There’s not always a need to do that. Consider just reacting to what we heard, instead.

I still refer to both of these things as the “setup disease,” but it might actually be better described as “over-qualifying things”.

This is just one more way to not sound like everyone else, and to put the Content and the Listener up front – just one of dozens and dozens of little linguistic and grammar usage things that I coach. The more we can “un-radio” the sound, the better. The ‘big picture’ goal is a “VISIT-driven” show.

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Tommy Kramer
Talent Coach
214-632-3090 (mobile)
Member, Texas Radio Hall of Fame
© 2024 by Tommy Kramer. All rights reserved.